Galleria Showroom Theme

A clean responsive theme for the Galleria javascript slideshow.


The Galleria Showroom Theme is now responsive out-of-the-box.

  <div id="galleria">
    <a><img ...></a>
    <a><img ...></a>
    <a><img ...></a>

  // Load the showroom theme

  // Initialize Galleria'#galleria');

The responsive resizing is controled by specifying an aspect ratio in the CSS. The default aspect ratio, seen below, is set to the standard widescreen format of 16:9, with the following CSS rule:

  .galleria-container:before {
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;

The aspect ratio may be adjusted to any value in your site's CSS. The formula to calculate the value to use for the padding-bottom is:

  height / width * 100%;

For further installation instructions and other information please see the README on Github.

The Galleria Showroom Theme is a Bluespark production.

Fork me on GitHub